Proverbs 11


ScriptureProverbs 11:24-2524 One person gives freely, yet gains even more;    another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.25 A generous person will prosper;    whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.Observation - What does it say?Solomon observes in his God-given wisdom that it’s the generous who prosper, not the stingy. And those who withhold selfishly are the ones who end up broke.Understanding - What does it mean?The kingdom seems upside down at times; it seems to go against common sense. The way to see your bank account grow couldn’t possibly be to make regular withdraws and give that money away. But we see this kind of upside down principal throughout scripture. To truly live, Jesus tells us to die. To become the highest, he tells us to make ourselves the lowest. To become the greatest, Jesus commands us to be the servant of all.The only way God will entrust us with more is if we are faithful with what he has already given us – whether money, talent, gifts, relationships, etc. And the way to be faithful with what God has given us, is to give it freely. As we are faithful, he will entrust us with more. The way to gain is to give; the way to be refreshed is to refresh others.Life ApplicationDon’t wait until I’m rich to give freely. The question isn’t, “How much do you have?” But rather, “What are you doing with what you do have?”
God, may we be a faithful people and a generous people! Forgive us for the times we’ve clung to the money and resources you’ve given us in fear that we won’t someday have enough. We trust you to provide for us and we want to be a means of blessing for others. Show us who you’re asking us to give to and how much, and may we be obedient when you speak… even when it doesn’t make sense. Amen.
-Levi Thompson
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Proverbs 12


Proverbs 10