Proverbs 13
Proverbs 13:24
Whoever spares the rod hates their children,
but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.
Far from being the verse that authorizes capital punishment as a parental strategy, Proverbs 13:24 uses the strongest hyperbole to point out that love must be the motivation behind the instruction and correction that we mete out to our children and that we must love our children enough to discipline and direct. However, when confronted with the courage that it takes to raise up a child in the way that they should go; the hard work it takes to instill the truth and wisdom of the Scriptures into their children’s lives and the inconvenience of holding their children accountable to the consequences of disobedience, so many parents choose to avoid character building conflict and correction; instead opting for pacification over guidance and they salve their guilty conscience by substituting involvement with material extravagance. Into this vacuum of leadership and discipleship flows the godless values of "this present darkness" and the result will be a generation that is amoral; rebellious; entitled; spoiled; disrespectful, and uninspired - truly a Lost Generation. Such will be the legacy of parents who loved their own comfort and peace more than they loved their children.
Life Application
There is so much more at stake than our own personal comfort and popularity when it comes to raising up the next generation. The current lament at the spiritual and moral condition of today’s youth compels us to counter this demonic strategy by inspiring the youth under our sphere of influence. Whether they be our inheritance and charge by virtue of natural birth or spiritual adoption, God calls and commands us to train up a disciplined and empowered army to wage the battles that await this coming generation in such a way that they will emerge victorious and advance the kingdom of God because they “triumphed…by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony” (Revelation 12:11).