Proverbs 23



Proverbs 23:15-16; 22-25

  My son, and my daughter, because your hearts are wise, my heart is glad indeed;
my inmost being rejoices because your lips speak what is right.
  You listen to your father and mother, who gave you life, and you will not despise your mother and father when they are old.
  You buy the truth and do not sell it— wisdom, instruction and insight as well. You are righteous children, so your mother and father have great joy; We have raised a wise son and daughter, and we rejoice in both of you.
  Your father and mother rejoice; she who gave you birth is joyful!


In this selection of proverbs attributed to “The Wise”, the reader is cautioned to not covet the riches and delicacies of this world nor the “success” of sinners. We are cautioned to be wise when dealing with fools and scoffers; to act with integrity; to seek wisdom and knowledge; to avoid drunkenness; and to lovingly direct and discipline our children, exalting the benefit raising children who pursue their identity and calling in Christ Jesus.


I am blessed to be able to personalize (while maintaining the integrity of) a section of today’s reading because it is true in my life. Everything that today’s scripture says about a child who walks in righteousness can be said about our children. While I often say that our children (young adults, now) are who they are more in spite of us than because of us, Annie and I do recognize that Tim and Leah run hard after God and are both involved in the ministry of their passion and gifting because, in part, we were faithful to (if not perfect in) partnering with God's work in them by putting His wisdom regarding child-rearing into practice every day of their life. I do this not to seek praise, recognition or credit for our “great” parenting skills. On the contrary, I seek to give all of these to God because, once again and always, He has proven that His word is true. In our children, Annie and I experience the earthly reality of God's spiritual law that blessings follow obedience. As His promises are coupled with the premises that open the door to their fulfillment (if/then), God was, and is, faithful to produce the promised result in our children because we put the actualizing premise into action.

Life Application

2 Corinthians 1:20
“For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God. 

Every one of God’s promises that I can personally appropriate are awaiting fulfillment and hinge solely on my faithfulness to obey the accompanying commands or instructions that open the floodgates of His blessing, protection, and direction – understanding that many of those promises are comfort in affliction, provision in need, strength through trials, peace amid uncertainty and hope in loss.  What an empowering truth! The good and perfect gifts that I desire to experience in Christ are awaiting to be released into my life as I align my attitudes and actions with God’s heart and His will. Lord, as has been described in a popular analogy, may the heavenly storeroom of the blessings that You intend for me be found empty of even one promise that has not been fulfilled because I am unwilling to ask for them or to walk in obedience to the premise that ushers them into my life. Help me to position myself directly under the full fount of your power and provision so that I would not miss even a single drop of all that you desire to pour into me and all that You desire to flow through me.  
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-Gary Parker

Proverbs 24


Proverbs 22