Proverbs 28



Proverbs 28:9
If anyone turns a deaf ear to my instruction, even their prayers are detestable.


Sanctification has two facets. The first, instantaneous sanctification, is positional and the second, progressive sanctification, is relational. At salvation, I was made holy and sinless in God’s sight; forgiven, cleansed and placed in the position of being “in Christ” – having His righteousness imputed to me. It is a position that I can never lose since I did nothing to earn it. The faith by which I received Christ as my Lord and Savior was not of myself; it was the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast. The second aspect of my sanctification is the ongoing, life-long process by which God the Spirit transforms me more and more into the image of Jesus Christ. Though my position with God can never be lost or lessened, my relationship with the Father can certainly be damaged and strained as I walk in seasons of sin and rebellion. When I maintain unrepentant of sinful actions and attitudes, intimacy with the Father is lost as God waits for me to surrender, submit and position my life in alignment and agreement with His will, which is the recipe for answered prayer.


Though a child can never lose their position as son or daughter, relationships between father’s and their children are often broken by rebellion and sin. Both father and child know that, because of the rift caused by disobedience, it is ridiculous for the child to ask the father for gifts and favors. No matter how much the father wants to bless and give to his children, he is wise to withhold these until the child adjust his or her actions and returns to a heart of submission to the father’s authority and will. This repair of the relationship must occur before the child can once again enjoy the favor of the father. Right relationship is the door through which petition is heard and blessings flow.

Life Application

Obedience, respect, surrender and submission are the attitudes that I must have when approaching God in prayer. Whenever I feel that God and I are not on speaking terms; whenever it seems like my prayers are not being heard, then I need to ask the Holy Spirit to search my heart and see if there is any sinful way within me that has me in wrong relationship with God. If so, I need to confess and repent of my sin so that I may receive the forgiveness that restores me to intimate fellowship with God – not only that the blessings of God may freely flow into my life but, more importantly, that I may return to a faith walk that is unhindered and fully empowered to bring God the glory that he deserves.

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-Gary Parker

Proverbs 29


Proverbs 27