2 Timothy 3



2 Timothy 3:14-17

“But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

Observation-What does it say?

Paul is reminding and encouraging Timothy to continue living according to the Scriptures--the Scriptures that his mother Lois and grandmother Eunice taught him (2 Timothy 1:5). The Scriptures that he has learned and become convinced of. (Vs. 14)

Understanding- What does it mean?

We must not only learn the Scriptures, but also be convinced of them.

Based on freedictionary.comthe definition of convince is to cause (someone) by the use of argument or evidence to believe something or to take a course of action. So, when we become convinced of something, we not only believe it, but that causes us to take action.

Paul reminds and encourages Timothy the importance of Scripture and living his life according to God's Word. Not just knowing the word, but living it out and taking action with it. Paul knew the discouragement Timothy faced as a Pastor, so He reminded Him to continue living a life submitted to God's Word. Don't just preach it, but live it.

Life Application

Become convinced of the Scriptures.

We become convinced of God's Word in 3 ways:

  1. Study it
  2. Apply it/take action with it
  3. Get support to continue living in it through discipleship/mentoring 

We study Scripture by being in His Word daily, journaling it and memorizing it.

We apply it when the head knowledge gets to the heart and we submit to it.

We must get support and accountability to continue living in it, just like Timothy had with Paul. Making decisions through the filter of Scripture will be counter cultural/unpopular to the world and without support from Spirit filled people like our spouses, pastors, and leaders, it will be very easy to get discouraged and not continue to submit to His truths.

Dear Jesus, please help us all to be convinced of Your Word and continue living lives according to it. May it be more than head knowledge, but heart knowledge as a result of an intimate relationship with You Jesus. I also pray that we would get support especially when tempted to stray. Thank You for the awesome men and women and godly spouses that You have placed in our lives to help us continue living according to Your will and desires. I pray that Your desires would continue to become ours. Amen.

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-Michelle Gaddi

2 Timothy 4


2 Timothy 2