Matthew 1
- Tamar was Judah’s widowed daughter-in-law. She dressed up like a prostitute and seduced her father-in-law, all so she could keep this family line alive.
- Rahab (verse 5) was a Canaanite prostitute.
- Solomon (verse 6) was the product of his father David’s adultery with Bathsheba.
Understanding - What does it mean?God chooses to use even the most broken people in incredibly significant ways!This gives me so much hope! All throughout scripture and history we see God reveal himself to people who don’t deserve it and move powerfully to accomplish his will through sinful men and women. The man who wrote the majority of the New Testament and who was one of the greatest missionaries the world has seen used to kill Christians!Yet, for some reason some of us feel that God couldn’t use us. We feel that our short-comings, imperfections and past are too difficult for God to redeem. If this passage teaches me anything, it’s that no one is too far gone for God to rescue and use for his glory. And, even our worst sins and failures can’t keep God from accomplishing his plans.Life ApplicationDon’t disqualify yourself! Trust God's power more than you trust your weakness; his ability more than your inability; the power of his Son's blood more than the power of your stains.If God can transform the lives of these sin-stained men and women and use them to change the world, why can’t he use me?!