Matthew 7
Observation "This chapter continues and concludes Christ’s Sermon on the Mount, which is purely practical, directing us to order our conversation aright, both toward God and man; for the design of the Christian religion is to make men good, every way good.” –Matthew Henry’s commentaryUnderstandingIs it just me, or does it seem we live in a world of constant judgment? When a popular phrase is “Don’t judge me” and company marketing for things like gyms tout “No judgments.” It’s in lyrics of popular songs – ie current hit “I got issues” by Julia Michaels. We are seemingly fed a diet of judgment between social media outlets, trash magazines, reality tv shows and even “news” outlets. In short, we are set up for failure when it comes to obedience of this direction to NOT judge. But this (like all godly direction) is worth the good fight. Because, when we give in to the judgment culture, we contribute to the walk through the wide gate, down the broad road that leads to destruction (vs 13-14). 13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. – Matthew 7:13-14Like the rest of the Christian walk, we are called in this area of judgment to set ourselves apart. What if Christians – typically known for being hypocritical – instead became known for creating a refreshing environment of truly no judgments? A space where people could be themselves, be honest, transparent…and be loved and accepted? Seems simple, small enough…but it could literally be life changing for those that experience it. The way I see it, this could potentially lead to a reduction in things like suicide, drug overdoses, addiction, etc....since, often, people are trying to forget or escape things like shame, emotional pain, and stress. Life ApplicationGo out and love on somebody. Love them just as they are. Accept them, listen to them, create space for them. Love them with no judgments. <3 To check out the discussion or to join in click here.- Rei