Matthew 9



‭‭Matthew‬ ‭9:36-38‬ ‭NLT

“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. He said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few.“So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.”

Observation-What does it say?

As news grew of all the healing and miracles that Jesus was performing, so were the crowds. Jesus was casting out demons from people, healing the blind, healing the paralyzed, and raising the dead to name a few things.  Jesus was able to meet and help people from all walks of life. Yet Jesus never lost focus on his main ministry while here on earth...recruiting people to God's Kingdom and sharing the good news with them. But as the crowds continued to grow, Jesus heart was filled with compassion for them. He saw a crowd of people who were lost and in need of knowing the truth. But between himself and his disciples there were too few of them. They needed more help! They needed to ask God's help to provide more workers to help them as they continued their works in ministry.

Understanding-What does it mean?

Being a follower of Christ is not a "spectator's sport". It is something that is going to take a total team effort, and involves all to do their part and "get in the game"!

I would like to think that all the people in this passage whose lives were touched by Jesus were all able to turn their lives around, repent from old sinful habits, and share with everyone they came into contact with about what Jesus had done for them. I hope that the crowds of people that were coming by the numbers to see him weren't just there for a "free handout", or they were just there to witness a miracle. I would like to think these crowds of people all became believers and followers of Jesus that day. That they learned about His teachings and were able to share it with others as well. Now that would be multiplying Christ Followers everywhere!

In the same aspect I would like to think that we as Christ Followers aren't just here "for the ride". We're not just in it to receive His blessings/"free handouts" from Him. I would like to think that we as Christ Followers know that we were bought at a price. That we understand that we are called to partner with our Almighty Father in Heaven to help further His Kingdom here on earth. Yes our God can do ALL things and He is Almighty and powerful. But he desires for us to partner with Him, to be His hands and feet here on earth, to do ministry together, fellowship together, build His Kingdom...together. 

The same way Jesus looked into the crowds and had compassion for all the lost souls He saw, is the same way we need to look within our own communities and workplaces and have that same compassion towards them. There is lots to do out there, and so few of us that are willing to step in and help. Like Jesus said in verse 37, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few.“  We too should do as Jesus instructed his disciples in this passage and ask God to help provide us more workers to aid us in the field of ministry. Ask God to provide us people who are willing to "get in the game" and make a difference!

Life Application

Be an influence out in the world to lead others to Christ, and lead those who already know Him, (but may not truly follow Him), to "get in the game" and partner together and serve in ministry together!

DSC is the perfect place to start serving in ministry if you're not already. They offer outreaches within our community (Rio Vista Elementary and the blue condos across the train tracks), outreaches to the homeless, and plenty of other ministries within our church that will help our church run that much smoother. So, as you can see there are plenty of opportunities to serve and get out in the fields of ministry. And the more hands we can get in there helping each other, the lighter the load it is for our brothers and sisters. So isn't it time we get in the game and help our team?!

“God has shown you his grace in many different ways. So be good servants and use whatever gift he has given you in a way that will best serve each other.” 1 Peter‬ ‭4:10‬ ‭ERV‬‬
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-Moses Gaddi

Matthew 10


Matthew 8