Ezekiel 1

ScriptureEzekiel 1:12, 20a12 Each one went straight ahead.  Wherever the spirit would go, they would go, without turning as they went.20 Wherever the spirit would go, they would go…Observation Ezekiel contains the prophecies spoken by the prophet Ezekiel, so begins the vision – believed to be of God – that Ezekiel saw. UnderstandingAmidst this beautiful and detailed vision that is painted by Ezekiel, the thing that stood out to me most was v 12 and 20 where it says “wherever the spirit would go, they would go.”Today I’m writing from Trinidad.  One of the things that has been an ever present part of conversations on this trip has been the work and movement of the spirit.  A main take away from this trip and from the life of missionaries has been that we can construct the best of plans of how we will serve, how we will help, how we will make a difference or an impact…but, even with the best of intentions, those plans may fall flat on their face.  It’s the leading of the spirit that must guide us.  While the best laid plans may breed zero results, where the spirit moves there is power.An example, we were set to visit the Hindu temple.  The plan was to pray over the people and place where the temple was, to be an example of God’s love, to “promote” Jesus where there was opportunity.  Probably a pretty good plan…but we never made it.  The van broke down on the way.  And I broke down in front of a preschool…where we had the opportunity to play with kids, speak life into the people who worked there and invite 2 of the kids to the youth conference we would be serving at later that evening.  The Spirit was present there.  Good work was done – God’s work.  People were prayed over and souls touched.
Another example, we learned of a family whose father was rarely present, whose mother had abandoned them and where the kids were essentially raising themselves…and living in filth.  One day we were scheduled to go and clean the house.  In the midst of the cleaning, the father showed up unexpectedly.  Unsure of what his response would be, the men of our group met with him, talked with him, prayed over him.  The end result?  He came to the church service we attended and spoke at that night and accepted Christ!!!  OUR plan was to clean a house; God’s plan was to save a soul.  Because of the presence of the Spirit, a father’s heart was redeemed…which has potential to provide far more to those children than just a cleaner living space.
A final example was a story shared of an evangelist who - visiting an area - noticed there were no youth at an event.  He asked "where are the youth" and they took him to a club that was packed.  He spoke to the owner, pleading to speak to them and was given 5 minutes at midnight.  I under 3 minutes, the group was on the floor crying out to God.  Human plans (over hours, days and months leading up to their event) could not turn out what the Spirit did in less than 3 minutes.

Wherever your Spirit goes, may we go too.Life ApplicationMay these things serve as a reminder, to seek God and follow His spirit…for where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom (2 Cor. 3:17)…and power and peace and joy and love.   And this world could use a little more of those things. :)    God, thank you for the gifts that you provide…be gracious and patient with us when we seek to use those gifts for you but, perhaps, without including you or seeking you first.  Please help us to be sensitive to the movement of your Holy Spirit in our lives…and, most of all to be obedient when we hear it.  In your name, I pray.  Amen.   To check out the discussion or to join in click here.- ReiPS I also loved this verse… Ezekiel 1:2828 Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around him.  This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord.  When I saw it, I fell facedown, and I heard the voice of one speaking.May we be so full of God, that we provide a little radiance to the rainy days that others may be experiencing today! Go love on somebody! <3


Overview of Ezekiel


3 John