Ezekiel 2


Ezekiel 2:7
You must speak my words to them, whether they listen or fail to listen, for they are rebellious.


After recovering from his heavenly vision, Ezekiel is commissioned as a prophet of God and encouraged to be courageous and obedient despite the rebellious nature of the Israelites to whom he is being sent. He is then offered a scroll of woe and lament, which he is to eat (Ch.3) in order that he might digest the word of God that he will be called upon to deliver to Israel.


The experience of Ezekiel is that which is common to every believer throughout the ages. We have received the Great Commission to proclaim the gospel of Christ to a world that is as rebellious as was Israel at the height of her idolatry and spiritual adultery. And just as Ezekiel needed to be courageous and obedient despite the rejection of his message, so do we need to be faithful to the calling, regardless of whether or not the message is received or rejected. Additionally, we cannot deliver and defend a gospel that we ourselves have not fully digested, internalized and upon which our spirit and intellect has been nurtured and strengthened. We dare not attempt to fulfill God’s calling relying on theory, second-hand revelation and yesterday’s manna; but only as we partake of the scriptures as our daily bread.

Life Application

I am thankful that the onus to see anyone with whom I share the gospel to be saved is not upon me, but is the responsibility and sovereign work of the Holy Spirit. This truth frees me to be courageous and unapologetic as I preach the truth and to focus on equipping myself so as to be qualified to be used by God, partnering with Him to deliver His message of salvation to those whom He has chosen, called and elected.  

2 Timothy 2:15
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.
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-Gary Parker

Ezekiel 3


Overview of Ezekiel