Ezekiel 12:16
But I will spare a few of them from the sword, famine and plague, so that in the nations where they go they may acknowledge all their detestable practices. Then they will know that I am the Lord”
After declaring that Israel is a rebellious people with blind eyes and deaf ears, God instructs Ezekiel to prophecy in pantomimes of exile as a sign to Israel of what they will experience as a result of God’s judgement against their idolatry and adultery. Ezekiel symbolically packs for exile and escapes the city by digging a hole in the wall, indicating the manner in which the prince of Jerusalem and all of her inhabitants will flee the city, only to be taken captive by the Babylonians. Ezekiel also obediently eats his food and drinks his water before the Israelites in fear and trembling to represent how Israel will experience anxiety and despair when their land is laid to waste. Rebuking an oft-quoted proverb that mocks the prophets and their visions of impending judgement (and in doing so, also mocking God’s long-suffering and mercy), God announces that there will be no more delays and that the word of the Lord will be fulfilled in their day.
God has always maintained a faithful remnant in Israel so that the Abrahamic Covenant may be fulfilled. When Elijah was overwhelmed and distraught as Jezebel (and even his fellow Israelites) sought his life, God reminded him that he had reserved seven thousand in Israel whose knees have not bowed down to Baal and whose mouths have not kissed him (1 Kings 19:18). In speaking of Israel’s portion in the New Covenant, Paul testifies that there remains a remnant of True Israel that is by grace and not by works (Romans 11:5-6). Even during the Tribulation, known as the time of Jacob’s (Israel’s) Trouble, God seals 144,000 Israelites to evangelize the world during the end; a time that God will use to re-graft Israel into the True Vine, who is Jesus.
Life Application
I am impacted by two truths in today’s scripture.
First, although Israel constantly broke relationship with God, Yahweh is a covenant keeper. Even when Israel pushed God to the end of His patience and forced His hand of judgement, captivity and disbursement; He was and is always careful to keep Israel in a position by which His everlasting covenants to her may be fulfilled - not by their works but by His sovereign and unmerited grace. As I see God's faithfulness to Israel, I can be sure that He will be as faithful to keep every promise in His word.
Secondly, in times past, God used the prophets as covenant announcers and enforcers who, with their prophecies and actions, declared the word and will of Almighty God in order that the people might repent and return to their God. Today, every Christian is called to be a prophet of God; if not by foretelling the future, then by forth-telling the truth of God’s word. By our testimony and our witness, we are to be a sign to unbelievers of God’s love and forgiveness for those who would confess Christ as Lord and Savior; yet also a sign of eternal judgement for those who reject the mercy of the Cross. Father, I pray that your church, of which I am a member, would have both the compassion to proclaim your love and salvation as well as the courage to announce the eternal consequences of those who reject your free gift of grace.
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-Gary Parker