Ezekiel 28
Ezekiel 28: 6-7
“Therefore, this is what the Sovereign Lord says: Because you think you are as wise as a god, I will now bring against you a foreign army, the terror of the nations. They will draw their swords against your marvelous wisdom and defile your splendor!”
Observation-What does it say?
The prince of Tyre has become very successful. He has attained great riches. He boasts of being wiser than Daniel. He thinks of himself as a god amongst men. His wisdom has brought him great riches, and his riches have made him very proud. Now the time has come for the God of Jacob to humble the prince of Tyre, and bring forth destruction upon his city for his arrogance and pride.
Understanding-What does it mean?
Pride becomes before the fall.
“Pride is the first step toward destruction. Proud thoughts will lead you to defeat.” Proverbs 16:18 ERV
“You were like the morning star, but you have fallen from the sky. In the past, all the nations on earth bowed down before you, but now you have been cut down. You always told yourself, “I will go to the skies above. I will put my throne above God’s stars. I will sit on Zaphon, the holy mountain where the gods meet. I will go up to the altar above the tops of the clouds. I will be like God Most High.” But that did not happen. You were brought down to the deep pit—Sheol, the place of death.” Isaiah 14:12-15 ERV
The prince of Tyre was in for a rude awakening! Similar to Lucifer's fall from Heaven, they both thought they were equal, (if not better), than God. The world was at their feet, and they forgot the One who put it there for them. It was their own pride and arrogance which led to their downfall. Instead of worshipping and serving the One who made it all possible for them, they both desired to be the ones who were worshipped. They had no desire to serve. Instead they wanted to be served. So now they forced God's judgement to lay upon them.
Life Application
Always remember to give praise to the One who made it all possible!