Matthew 1:18-25I imagine every one of us either has been, at some time, or is in now, a situation that we don't completely understand. We cannot fathom the reasons why such circumstances have overtaken us or, despite many sleepless nights and anxious hours, we just can't figure a way out, so what will be your response?
Three times Matthew tells us that the Lord appeared to Joseph. Three times God revealed Himself and His will to Joseph. There are some powerful truths we can latch on to here.Trust comes easier the more that we know somebody.
- Hosea 6:6 (TLB) 6 "I don’t want your sacrifices—I want your love; I don’t want your offerings—I want you to know me.
Trust requires that we discern God's will.
- Mark 14:36 (TLB) 36 "Father, Father," he said, "everything is possible for you. Take away this cup from me. Yet I want your will, not mine."
SAVORINGSpend time with God today not asking Him for anything except that He speak to you regarding what He wants of you. Put aside at least half-an-hour where you can sit in silence after asking Him the question, “Father, what is on your heart? What do you want to say to me.”