So it has come and gone.  The gifts have been opened, the meals have been prepared and consumed and the family has visited.  It is so easy for us to start packing up the stuff and moving on…but I want to encourage you to take time to savor the season.  Today in the church calendar the Feast of St. Stephen is celebrated.  It is the time where we pack up food and give to those in need – growing up we knew it as Boxing Day.  You made up food boxes to pass out to people. 
What a great idea – passing on the blessings.  Beyond just the food, we have been blessed by God and during the next few days why not be purposeful about how you can pass on those blessings.  Write an encouraging note to someone, invite a couple of friends over for coffee and dessert and play a game.  Spend time playing with your kids.  The possibilities are endless.  Don’t pack up and go back to business as usual – take time to savor

