28 Days: Day 1


  • Matthew 28


Jesus is risen – He is alive and His resurrection gives us reason to believe and have hope.  His resurrection now brings us to the place where Jesus has commanded us to go and make disciples (believers in Jesus) of all nations.  If we do not go there will be others who go and tell lies (read verses 11-15) and people will believe a lie rather than the truth.  God loves us and He has the power to change our lives!  That is what Jesus commissioned His disciples to go and tell others.  Are you ready? We are to go and preach (teach them what we have learned about God), baptize those who believe and then disciple them.Will you take time to pray today that God will give you a Great Commission passion? Will you respond to His Call? [Ask God that over the next 28 days He will fill your heart with passion and vision of how you are to be a part of a Great Commission Movement.]


What is God saying to me?I notice that a couple of times in the passage that people have an encounter with God and then after the encounter they are asked to go and tell others of what they have learned and experienced.  It leads me to ask…am I having encounters with God?  If I am experiencing deeper intimacy and encounters with Jesus the next question is am I steward those things well?  To steward it properly means that I must do what is commanded of me…go quickly and tell others.

Our walk with God is not to be kept to ourselves but to share with others.  Quickly now, go and tell others!


What does that look like in my life?  It means that I am to view my encounters with God not from a selfish point of view but with an eye towards how I can share it with others so that it helps them come into relationship with God.  
It means that I am constantly looking to grow closer to God so that I can share my life changing encounters with Him with others.  

28 Days: Day 2
