28 Days: Day 3

Join us this evening @ 7 for a time of worship and prayer at the church.


  • Acts 1:1-11


Jesus came to earth with a mission – the mission was simple…proclaim that God loves mankind and wants to re-establish relationship with him.  Jesus proclaimed this news through preaching, teaching and by performing signs and wonders.  He also trained up a band of men to follow in His footsteps.  When Jesus went back to heaven He commissioned the disciples to continue with the mission – they were to proclaim the Good News of God’s love to all nations and to testify of the power of God displayed through Jesus’ life. 


When Jesus was resurrected He appeared to people for forty days.  During that time His purpose was clear.  He wanted the disciples to be fully confident of a few things…That He was truly risen from the dead – Luke tells us that He gave them many infallible proofs of the reality of His resurrection.  Most of the people in Jerusalem knew that Jesus was crucified but they needed to know that Jesus was risen once again, so the disciples became the witnesses of the resurrection and having encountered Jesus and been assured of His resurrection He commissioned them to go and tell others that He was risen.  We no longer have to live in sin and separation from God.He also wanted them to know that the time for being witnesses had an expiration date.  Soon He will return.  We may think that it has been a long time and He has not come back yet but you and I need to live in the reality that Jesus can return at any moment.


You are a continuation of that mission given to the original band of followers – you are to testify of God’s power and allow His power to be on display in your lives.  You must also proclaim the Good News. 
You are to be His Witnesses – His living testimony.  How are you doing?  What are you doing to be His witnesses?
Jesus is coming back soon!  We who have encountered Him must be passing on the news with urgency.  Are we urgent about sharing the Good News with those who need to know?

28 Days: Day 4


28 Days: Day 2