Genesis 9:16-17-
16 Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”
17 So God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the earth.”
Observation- What does it say?
This chapter speaks on God’s promise to Noah to never destroy life and the earth again through a flood.
Understanding-What does it mean?
God keeps His promises.
Covenant is a fancy word for promise. God is a covenant making and keeping God. He always keeps His promises. In Kids church last week, we talked about the covenant God made with David, that his family line would last forever. That would happen because of Jesus Christ. Jesus’ parents, Mary and Joseph came through the family line of David. God orchestrated all of that because He is a Sovereign God! Another example was God’s promise to Abraham about how his descendants would outnumber the stars in the sky. He kept that promise through Abraham’s son Isaac.
17 So God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the earth.”
Observation- What does it say?
This chapter speaks on God’s promise to Noah to never destroy life and the earth again through a flood.
Understanding-What does it mean?
God keeps His promises.
Covenant is a fancy word for promise. God is a covenant making and keeping God. He always keeps His promises. In Kids church last week, we talked about the covenant God made with David, that his family line would last forever. That would happen because of Jesus Christ. Jesus’ parents, Mary and Joseph came through the family line of David. God orchestrated all of that because He is a Sovereign God! Another example was God’s promise to Abraham about how his descendants would outnumber the stars in the sky. He kept that promise through Abraham’s son Isaac.
God makes covenants with His people and He never breaks them. The rainbow was a reminder to Noah and is a reminder to us today that God would never flood the earth and that He continues to keep His promises. Because God gave Jesus authority over all heaven and earth since they are one, we can trust that what He says is true, even today.
“Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.”
Matthew 28:18 NIV
Life Application
How different would our lives look if we truly believed that He kept His promises?
The Bible is filled with promises from God. These are promises that we can trust that He will keep.
God (Jesus) promised that He will never leave us or forsake us. He promised that He would give us His Holy Spirit as a deposit when He left the earth. He also promised that one day, He would return at an unknown time/hour to judge the living and the dead.
Thank You Lord that you not only make promises to Your children, but You keep them. Thank You that we can trust that what Your Word says is true. Thank You that we can trust that You will return for us one day. Your Word is full of promises. I pray that we would not only fill our hearts and minds with these truths, but truly live like we believe them. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit in us who enables us to live for You, have faith in You, and believe what You say is true. Amen.
“Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.”
Matthew 28:18 NIV
Life Application
How different would our lives look if we truly believed that He kept His promises?
The Bible is filled with promises from God. These are promises that we can trust that He will keep.
God (Jesus) promised that He will never leave us or forsake us. He promised that He would give us His Holy Spirit as a deposit when He left the earth. He also promised that one day, He would return at an unknown time/hour to judge the living and the dead.
Thank You Lord that you not only make promises to Your children, but You keep them. Thank You that we can trust that what Your Word says is true. Thank You that we can trust that You will return for us one day. Your Word is full of promises. I pray that we would not only fill our hearts and minds with these truths, but truly live like we believe them. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit in us who enables us to live for You, have faith in You, and believe what You say is true. Amen.
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-Michelle Gaddi