Acts 20:24
“But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.”
Observation-What does it say?
Paul meets with the Ephesian Elders to say his “goodbyes” before he heads off to Jerusalem. He tells them that no matter the circumstances he was in, he didn’t shrink to tell them all what God wanted them to know. Paul now is going to be heading off to Jerusalem. He doesn’t know what awaits him there. But the Holy Spirit does tell him that jail and suffering awaits him in each city he will go to. Paul is not discouraged though. He knows that Jesus has given him a job to do. And Paul will not be satisfied until he completes his task given to him by his Lord Jesus Christ! What was his task?.. To multiply Christ Followers everywhere by sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ and the wonderful grace of God!
Understanding-What does it mean?
I will lay down my life and rights for the One who laid down His life first for me.
Paul understood his role in the whole scheme of things. He knew Jesus, and knew of all the things Jesus had done. If anyone was to complain about the situation they were put in, it was Jesus! Jesus sat at the right hand of God, in the comforts and glory of Heaven. Only to come down to earth, to live a servant's life, and dying a sinner's death. He came to earth to serve, not to be served. Jesus gave up His rights and ultimately His life, to show people the way to spend eternity with His Father in Heaven. Knowing all this, Paul is humbled by the grace of God, and what Jesus did for him. He understands that his life was bought at a price...that Jesus Christ paid for on the cross. Now it’s Paul’s life’s mission to willingly give his up his life’s works in order to fulfill Jesus’ calling for him.
Life Application
Live a life investing in building God’s Kingdom, rather than my own.
I am challenged by the way Jesus and Paul lived their lives. They put all their pride aside to fulfill God’s will. They both gave up life’s comforts in order to fulfill God’s will. They both were put through beatings, mockery, and jailings because of it! And here I am scared to share His Word with people or sometimes pray in public because I’m afraid others may think I’m weird. So today’s devotion reminds me to think about what Jesus and Paul went through. I’m reminded of what my brothers and sisters in Christ are risking in other parts of the world just by ministering to others. I am reminded that there is no higher calling in life than Jesus’ calling. Because at the end of the day, when I see Jesus face to face, I know I will be held accountable for the time He has given me on earth, and how I used that time helping others and building His Kingdom.
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-Moses Gaddi