Psalm 50:23
“He who offers a sacrifice of thanksgiving honors Me; And to him who orders his way aright I shall show the salvation of God.”
Observation-What does it say?
Asaph, the indicated author of this Psalm, was a levite and was one of the leaders of David’s choir. He was described as a “seer,” or prophet, in 2 Chronicles 29:30. At the beginning of Psalm 50, God tells the people of Israel that He is not interested in their burnt offerings. He reminds them that He made everything and He knows “every bird of the mountains, And everything that moves in the field is Mine.”
Understanding-What does it mean?
I am sure that just about every parent in the world has, at one point or another, uttered the phrase, “A thank you would be nice.” I have said it many times. It never seems to fail, as we are leaving somewhere that was intended to be a treat for our boys, I hear one of them whining in the back seat. That whine usually accompanied by the cry of, “It’s not fair, I didn’t get a…” Whether the desire of the moment be a toy, an extra ride, a cookie, etc. The only thing going through my mind at the moment is, “We’ll just see if I ever do anything nice for you again.” I just want my boys to be thankful for the time and money that I just sacrificed for them to have a good time.
Conversely we have all seen, or been, the person who just can’t accept a gift. There always has to be some type of “I owe you one” with these people. I have felt this way myself towards God’s grace. I just feel guilty, or not good enough, for the lavish gift that He is trying to give me. And so it was with Israel, who were continually offering burnt offerings and sacrifices to “please” God. In verse 12, God says, "If I were hungry I would not tell you, for the world is Mine…”
In Psalm 49:8 we learn that “For the redemption of his soul is costly, And he should cease trying forever.” Jesus gave up his life willingly as the cost of our redemption. And all God wants from us is our thankfulness. In Psalm 46 we find that God just wants us to be still and know him. He just wants me to be close to him. And for this I am thankful.
Life Application
Jesus help me to shift my focus from how bad things may be going for me, or how much I owe you, to a perspective of wanting to be closer to you. I am so thankful for your never ending love for me. I am thankful that you are patient in waiting for me, and that you show patience in waiting for those you have called that have not found you yet.
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-Tyler Galloway