Mark 10:14
When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”
Observation - What does it say?
Jesus rebuked his disciples for keeping the children from coming to him. His disciples were apparently under the false notion that Jesus was reserved for adults, obviously too important to be bothered by children. But, Jesus not only welcomes them but declares that the kingdom of God actually belongs to them!
Understanding - What does it mean?
The kingdom (literally “king’s domain”) of God, the people and places under the influence and lordship of God, are the people and places that experience what life is like when God has his way. There is love, healing, wholeness, forgiveness, faith, and everything and everyone is in right relationship with God and each other. This is why, when Jesus preached, “The kingdom of heaven is near,” he healed the sick, cast out demons and forgave sinners.
This kingdom, filled with abundant life and God encounters belongs to children! Knowing and being used by God isn’t something God wants them to get older to experience!
Life Application
This really resonates with me. God has put the desire in my heart for some years now to see my kids encountering God; to see the kids in our church filled with the Holy Spirit and moving in the gifts of the Spirit. I’ve seen glimpses of it as my kids have shared experiences they’ve had with God and they both have prayed for the sick and seen them healed. But I’m hungry for them to experience more, and I believe it’s because God desires it even more than I do.