
ScriptureLuke 13:20-2120 Again he asked, “What shall I compare the kingdom of God to? 21 It is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into about sixty pounds[a] of flour until it worked all through the dough.”ObservationJesus is shaking things up – calling out the Galileans for their hypocrisy, healing on the Sabbath and confronting those who disagree…and the conversation turns to the kingdom of God – what it is like, what it can be compared to.UnderstandingI don’t know much about yeast – other than it’s small and, used in small quantities, it causes bread to rise.  So, that made me curious…just how small?  So, I looked up yeast and learned that the typical serving size or quantity used is 1 “packet.” One packet used to be the equivalent of 1 Tablespoon but, currently, it’s closer to 2 generous teaspoons – a tribute to improved manufacturing methods that produce stronger, more active yeast. Based on this information, we could guess that the verse is saying 1 Tablespoon of yeast mixed through 60 pounds of dough.  Immediately, a visual pops in my brain – that’s a whole lot of dough and not very much yeast.  Yet that small amount of yeast raises the bread.A little goes a long way.We talked yesterday about worshiping warriors – how when we worship it silences the voice of the enemy, allowing the truth, the voice of God to more easily be heard.  In combination with today’s reading, I’m reminded it doesn’t take an army of worshipers to make difference.  Even one can create impact for those around them – raising them up, lifting their hearts, making space for peace. Life ApplicationWill you be that one today?God, I continue to be amazed at the power of your name – a just how little of that power it takes to make a HUGE difference.  Whether it be a mustard seed of faith to make mountains move or a Tablespoon of yeast to raise 60 pounds of dough…you remind us that the power and influence wielded when we partner with you is life and world changing. May we be bold and audacious today, laying down the lies of the enemy and picking up the power of worship throughout the day and with everyone we meet…and may lives be touched as a result.In your holy and powerful name I pray!  Amen.- ReiTo check out the discussion or to join in click here.




Psalm 130