Psalm 141:5
Let a righteous man strike me—that is a kindness; let him rebuke me—that is oil on my head.My head will not refuse it, for my prayer will still be against the deeds of evildoers.
A psalm of David – starting out with a request that God come quickly when he calls, that his prayers would be received as a fragrant offering, requesting God to help him – protect his heart and his mouth, the way he speaks. Then an open invitation for accountability.
Wow, what if we all approached life with that open invitation of accountability?
Much of the dissension in church comes out of accountability…perhaps not always done right, but rarely received well. But that’s kind of what this whole “doing life together” is all about. So what do we really want? Do we want a “family” that will allow us to be comfortable, complacent in our faith? Or do we want people that will push us and stretch us, inviting us to the greatness God has called us to?
It's like going to the gym but not actually wanting to get any more fit…or getting angry at the personal trainer we hired for pushing us to eat better or work harder. Seems silly in that context, doesn’t it? So, why is it we experience such resentment when we are stretched in our faith? Will we choose to be comfortable or surround ourselves with those who won’t allow us to settle for less that God’s greatest plan for our lives?
Life Application
God, thank you for the reminder that you’ve called me not to comfort, but to greatness. May I seek and welcome accountability. May I choose to be stretched and pushed, molded into your will. May I pursue life on the edge of faith over going through the motions…and may it be to your honor and your glory, impacting those I interact with today and everyday.
In your name, I pray. Amen.
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