

Deuteronomy 1:6b-7a

“You have stayed long enough at this mountain. Break camp and advance…”

Observation - What does it say?

The Israelites had been camped out at Mount Sinai, in Horeb, for a considerable amount of time on their way to the Promised Land. Although it wasn’t the ultimate destination, this stop along the way had been filled with amazing things. They had seen God come down in a cloud around the mountain, they had all heard his audible voice and God had given them the 10 commandments. 

It could be tempting to settle in this place where such great things had taken place, and they had. But after a time God reminds them of the Promised Land and commands them to pack up and advance.

Understanding - What does it mean?

Don’t settle for less than what God intends!

It is our tendency to grow complacent over time, living off of yesterday’s encounters with God. Our focus drifts to the past and rather than pursuing new encounters and deeper intimacy with God.  We fondly remember the “good old days.” 

Where is our passion for God?! Where is our zeal for the mission he’s given us?! God is calling to many of us, like he called to the Israelites, “You have been where you are for long enough! Break camp and advance! I’ve promised you so much more, called you to so much more. Shake off your apathy and stir yourself up to pursue me!”

Their problem wasn’t that they were waiting on God to do something. Rather, God had put the ball in their court and he was just waiting on them to take possession of the land he had already given them.

Life Application

My grandpa once said, “Make sure and receive everything the Father wants to give you.” Heaven, like life, will give you what you settle for. I sense God beckoning me to come after him. Adventure awaits. The best is yet to come.

I don’t want to settle for less. God, my desire is to every day lay my life down before you. My desire is to spend every breath pursuing you, loving you and loving others. My desire is to always be growing deeper in my own intimacy with you. Please help us to break free of our apathy and spiritual laziness so that we can experience the fullness of what you’ve made available to us. Amen.
- Levi Thompson


