1 Timothy_5
1 Timothy 5:25
“Likewise also, deeds that are good are quite evident, and those which are otherwise cannot be concealed.”
Observation-What does it say?
In this part of Paul’s letter to Timothy, he is giving him advice on how to address the behavior of different groups within the church. He paints a picture of acceptable and appropriate ways to live. He wraps it up by giving a reminder that the way we live, our reputation, is usually what people hear about us first. So we ought to seek to live in a way to bring honor to God.
Understanding-What does it mean?
Recently I have been attempting to simplify a lot of the aspects of my life. The goal is to get rid of things that bring more stress, and ultimately distract me from Jesus, than what they are worth. Where I run into problems with this attempt is in actually letting anything go that has “sentimental” value, or if I think there is any possibility of it being remotely useful in the future. Which is why I have a 1975 Honda motorcycle sitting on the side of my house, rusting, not doing anything.
I have struggled to make my actions line up with my intentions. Similarly, I can struggle making my daily faith actions line up with how Christ has called me to live. This can be especially frustrated by the culture we live in, which seems to have no care for prudent behavior.
God has called us to higher purpose. Our behavior is to line up with his purpose, which is to share His love and saving grace with the world around us. Jesus directed us in much the same way saying, “By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."”
John 13:35
Life Application
Jesus help me to have endurance past Monday morning, because following you gets way harder after Sunday. Help me to see the person next to me as someone in need of your love. Grant me the humility to ask for forgiveness when I have sinned against you.
-Tyler Galloway