

Psalm 6:3-6 NIV

My soul is in deep anguish. How long, LORD, how long? Turn, LORD, and deliver me; save me because of your unfailing love. Among the dead no one proclaims your name. Who praises you from the grave? I am worn out from my groaning. All night long I flood my bed with weeping and drench my couch with tears.”

Observation-What does it say?

David cries out to God for deliverance from his enemies. In the beginning, he even pleads to the Lord for mercy, for if he is being rebuked because God is angry with him or disciplining him for wrongdoing, He tells the Lord that it is more than he can handle.

Understanding-What does it mean?

The only way to persevere through difficult trials is to draw near to the Lord in the midst of pain. 

I love how raw and honest King David is in his Psalms. I think he is one of my favorite Bible characters, not just because he is a musician, but because of how transparent he is with the Lord. David was at the point of weeping so much that it was wearing him out. Even in the depths of his anguish, David doesn’t turn away from the Lord. He does the complete opposite. He draws near to Him and is completely honest about his pain and struggles.

Life Application 

Draw near to the Lord and the church family when trials hit. 

It’s interesting how the tendency we have as human beings is to retreat, not fight, when the storms of life hit. Sometimes we blame God, stop praying, and blame His bride, the people of the church. That’s what the devil wants. However, we are called to persevere through the trials and not give up. We are called to press in even more towards the Lord and relationship with Him; even more towards serving others and even more in fellowship with the Body of Christ.

When I went through one of the darkest times of my life about 16 years ago, I admit that I drew myself further away from the Lord and the church, instead of crying out to the Lord in my distress. I was upset with some church discipline/protection that occurred in my life because I didn’t understand it and it caused me to forget the true nature and character of God’s goodness. Not only did I stop going to church, but I stopped talking to and praying to Jesus. This did not make me feel better by any means! It actually made me spiral even deeper in depression as I cut myself off from not only Spirit filled relationships around me, but the MOST important Relationship in my life. My mom noticed it and called me out on it and I’ll never forget all the people who continued praying for me at that time to get me back to the place of faith I am today. I’m living proof that prayer works!

Anyhow, we must be completely transparent with the Lord when communicating (praying) to Him. He can handle it all..the good, bad and the ugly. The worse thing to do when struggling in life is to retreat from Him and His bride. Believe me. Been there, done that and thankful to have learned from it in order to change and continue in what God has called me to do.

Dear Lord, thank You that You hear us when we pray. Thank You for seeing us through trials in life and delivering us from them. Thank You that I could look back at my own life and see how Your hand was continually at work in me and how You never let me go. Thank You for seeing me through the past and continuing to take me through the present and future. I pray for others who may be going through hardships right now. I pray that they would not forget that You are with them and that they could come to You through it all. May we seek You with all our hearts, soul, mind and strength for You will never turn us away. May we be strengthened each day as we are reminded of Your love and goodness towards us. Amen.  

-Michelle Gaddi 



