Psalm 18:49
Therefore I will praise you, Lord, among the nations;
I will sing the praises of your name.
Observation - What does it say?
King Saul, threatened by David, gathered an army with him and pursued David to kill him. David cried out to God, and God delivered him. And in response, he lifted up his voice in worship to God. He sang a spontaneous song of his love for God, recounting all God had done for him. And at the end of this song he declares that his response to what God has done for him would be to praise him, not just in private but for all the world to hear.
Understanding - What does it mean?
Don’t keep your praise private. The natural response to encountering the saving love of God is to praise him for it. But for David, it wasn’t enough to praise God in private. He wanted the world to know.
The demon possessed man in the region of the Gadarenes had an encounter with Jesus and was delivered. Afterward, Jesus told him to go home and tell his family what God did for him. But this man, so overwhelmed with gratitude and excitement, didn't just go home. He went all throughout 10 cities telling everyone he experienced!
Life Application
Tell others about what God has done.
When I first was saved, I was so excited about what God had done. It was so fresh and recent, and I couldn’t keep it to myself. I told everyone! I’d be sharing with my seat-mate in the plane about it before we even took off. I’d share with every person I could, no hesitation. I longed for everyone to experience the love of God I had just experienced!
I still long for the same, but today I felt challenged that I don’t often share as quickly or with the same excitement as I did at first. Reflecting on all God has done for me, I choose to stir myself up and praise him to everyone in my life!
- Levi Thompson