Psalm 34:8-9
Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. Fear the Lord, you his holy people, for those who fear him lack nothing.
Observation-What does it say?
This Psalm was written by David.
It was written in a time when David was fleeing from Saul (1 Samuel 20 & 21).
The form of the Psalm is an acrostic, where the first letter of every line starts with one of the twenty two letters of the Hebrew alphabet in order. In this Psalm, David praises God for His faithfulness.
He also shows us that when we honor God we find life.
Despite all of his misfortunes, God brings David through all of them.
Understanding-What does it mean?
Christmas is one of my favorite times of year. I can’t wait for the day after Thanksgiving to come, because that is when my wife allows me to finally put on Christmas music. Though, if you were to ride with me in the car, you might hear it from time to time, sometimes all of July. I really enjoy decorating, but I never go overboard, as I shoot for a look that is more akin to a 1950’s Christmas over the current trend of over decorating (you know who you are).
I didn’t always find this time of year as endearing as I do now. As a kid in high school, it was more like torment. My family got split up right before Christmas my freshman year. Each subsequent year meant splitting time in two different places, with an older brother who was spending the holiday break from college bossing me around. Christmas can be a very polarizing time of year for those who feel like outcasts or alone, as I did for many of those years.
I don’t remember exactly when it was, but there was a year that I finally decided to stop feeling bad for myself at Christmas. That year I decided to focus on the miraculous birth of Jesus, the Messiah. I have learned to take refuge in Him, and the peace that comes with knowing that with the birth of a savior, also came His death on the cross.
Jesus was brought into this world in a time of relative chaos. His parents were traveling for a census, and didn’t have a place to stay. There was a lot of political unrest. Once King Herod heard from the traveling wisemen, he was in search of Jesus trying to kill him. And yet, despite all of this, Mary and Joseph were focused and submitted to God and His will. A savior is born, amidst great turmoil, to bring us peace. (Luke 2). And that’s what this season is all about.
Life Application
Despite the craziness of this season, I choose to focus on you Jesus. In a time where it can be easy to become overwhelmed and depressed, I trust in you. I know that only you provide the peace that I seek. And this peace is only through you being the Lord of my life. I choose to worship you alone.
-Tyler Galloway