
ScripturePsalm 48:1Great is the Lord, and most worthy of praise,
Observation - What does it say?
The sons of Korah wrote this Psalm, this song, declaring God’s worthiness of praise, specifically for his protection of Jerusalem from their enemies.
Understanding - What does it mean?
God is worthy of our praise.
I find that if I’m not careful, it’s so easy to take all God’s blessings for granted. I wonder how many times God blesses us or answers our prayers and we find ourselves in the company of the 9 lepers.
Ten men with leprosy cried out to Jesus for help. Jesus told them to go show themselves to the priests and, as they went, they were cleansed of their leprosy. One of them noticed and came back to Jesus, praising God. Jesus responded…
Luke 17:17 “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine?”
God expects our praise. It’s what he deserves. For the way he always provides for all our needs, for the way he protects us and has blessed us to live in a time of peace, for the warm shower and the soft pillow, for salvation and his continual demonstrations of love for us, his forgiveness and continual presence with us, for hearing our prayers and giving us purpose, etc.
How often do I gloss over yesterday’s blessing to bring today’s request? God forgive me!
Life Application
Praise him! Come to him first with praise and thanksgiving, before presenting my requests.
I want to be obsessed with God, consumed with him and not just his gifts, in love with him and continually overflowing with praise. I may be the needy child, but I don’t want to be the needy, ungrateful child.
- Levi Thompson

I Peter 4

