
Acts 10:44-45
“Even as Peter was saying these things, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who were listening to the message. The Jewish believers who came with Peter were amazed that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles, too.”
Observation-What does it say?
A devout, God-fearing man named Cornelius received a message from an angel of God. The angel instructs him to send some men to a town called Joppa, and summon a man named Simon Peter. So Cornelius sends his servants to bring Simon Peter back to his home.
While at home, Peter receives word from the Holy Spirit to follow these men that God has sent for him. Peter listens and obeys without any hesitation. Peter arrives at Cornelius’ house, and although the custom back then was that a Jewish man was not supposed to enter a Gentile's home, Peter understands now that he should no longer think of anyone as impure or unclean. Cornelius invites all his family and friends over to his house and explains to Peter the message he received from God. Peter now realizes that God doesn’t discriminate against anyone to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. So Peter begins to share with Cornelius and all his family and friends the message of Jesus Christ, and while Peter was speaking, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who were listening. The people began speaking in other tongues and praising God. This amazed Peter and the other Jewish believers who were with him that day.
Understanding-What does it mean?
Being obedient to the Holy Spirit is the first step to witnessing amazing things.
Looking back at this story I’m realizing the amazing thing that happened that day for Cornelius and all his family and friends. They were all baptized into the family of Jesus Christ! Christ Followers were multiplied that day! And none of this would have happened if Peter or Cornelius weren’t obedient to the Holy Spirit. In verse 7 Cornelius didn’t wait and ponder on what the angel had instructed him to do. It says as soon as the angel left him he followed through with the instructions. In verses 21-25 Peter invites these total strangers into his house to stay the night, and leaves with them the very next day. Who would do this?! Especially knowing these men were Gentiles and Peter being Jewish, and the history between the two groups. That takes faith and obedience! But because of Cornelius and Peter being so obedient to the Holy Spirit, they were able to witness multiple salvations that day and they were able to see the power of the Holy Spirit move within the whole household of Cornelius as they began to speak in tongues, giving God praise.
Life Application
Take time to pray and listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
Prayer is a way we communicate with God, but communication is a two way street. Who likes to be in a relationship when the other person does all the talking and they don’t even take the time to listen to you? That can be quite frustrating. I hate to admit, but sometimes I may treat God like that. Sometimes I can get caught up praying to Him and asking Him for all these things, but I forget to take the time to sit and listen to Him and hear what He needs from me.
Father God forgive me for my selfishness. Allow me to sit in silence and truly take the time to listen to your voice. Whether it’s through reading Your Word, or hearing the voice of Your Holy Spirit, help me to be keen to Your presence, and be obedient to what You ask of me. I know You are willing to do the amazing, but You just need obedience on my end. Bless me dear Lord with the strength and courage to do so. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.  
-Moses Gaddi


