
Scripture  Acts 12:8-10  Then the angel said to him, “Put on your clothes and sandals.” And Peter did so. “Wrap your cloak around you and follow me,” the angel told him.  Peter followed him out of the prison, but he had no idea that what the angel was doing was really happening; he thought he was seeing a vision.  They passed the first and second guards and came to the iron-gate leading to the city. It opened for them by itself, and they went through it. When they had walked the length of one street, suddenly the angel left him.

Observation-What does it say?  Herod has begun a full scale attack on the followers of Jesus.  He recently put to death James, the brother of John, and has imprisoned Peter with the same intention.  One thing we see of Peter’s character in the passage is his trust in the Holy Spirit.  When faced with imminent death, he is calm and secure enough to be sleeping amongst the guards.  He was ready to accept his fate as a result of following Jesus, without any expectation of deliverance.  Peter’s deliverance from prison may be seen as an allusion to our deliverance from sin.  When we least expected it, the Holy Spirit calls us out of our bondage and leads us to freedom.

Understanding-What does it mean?  I love to watch Disney’s animated version of Robin Hood.  The one where Robin Hood is played by a fox and Little Jon is played by Balu from the Jungle Book.  I always get excited when Robin Hood is in the castle, stealing the last bag of gold, right from underneath Prince John’s arm.  The peak of the climax of the story is in sight.  Soon Prince John will wake up and call for his guards.  Then Robin Hood will attempt his daring escape as the castle of the evil Prince John is burning to the ground.  

I really love a good story, and all the elements that it takes to fill that story and make it come alive.  I love the conflict between characters, even within individual characters, the little twists in the plot.  And forgive me, but I am a sucker for the stories that end with the good guy winning.  The bible is one of the best examples of great story, with smaller stories playing themselves out within the entirety.  

In the moment where Peter is stuck between two guards, he is miraculously saved by a messenger of the king (plot twist).  Peter’s part in the story wasn’t done; God had bigger plans for him.  It’s like this often for us in our own story.  Just when we think we have hit rock bottom, God swoops in and saves us from imminent death.  God has good plans for the ones who serve Him (Jeremiah 29:11).  And we know He always wins, I cheated and read the end of the book.

Life Application  Jesus, help me to look at your story and understand my part in it.  You have given me the wonderful responsibility of being a herald of the king.  You have placed me in charge of announcing the good news of your return.  Help me to find my voice, so that all will know that you are king.  Help me to teach my children to take up the call as well.  

-Tyler Galloway



