ScriptureActs 25:25I found he had done nothing deserving of death, but because he made his appeal to the Emperor I decided to send him to Rome.Observation - What does it say?While in prison, Paul had appeared on different occasions to stand trial before the Sanhedrin, Governor Felix, Governor Festus, and also was given audience with King Argippa. In each instance charges were brought against Paul, then he made his defense and shared the gospel with everyone present. At the final trial before Festus, Paul appealed to Caesar. In each instance, neither governor nor the king found that he was worthy of death or imprisonment. Understanding - What does it mean?In order to fulfill our God-given destiny we may be wronged unjustly and find ourselves in positions of discomfort that we wish to escape. If it were’t for this imprisonment (lasting years!) Paul wouldn’t have had opportunity to stand before governors, kings and all these people of influence and present to them the gospel.How often do we make it all about us? In our immaturity, not recognizing God's purposes are much more important than our comfort, we complain and play the victim. “I can’t believe I’m here.” “I don’t deserve this.” “God, I’m so frustrated at you.” How can God use us us when we make it all about us and what we want and feel we deserve?! What if we're in that situation because we prayed and asked God to use us, and so he sent us there to bring his love and truth.Paul chose to rejoice because he recognized his chains could actually serve to advance the gospel and bring people to Christ (see his letter to the Philippians which he wrote while in prison)! I doubt he was excited about the chains, but he was more than willing to endure them because he was excited about the possibility of being used by God to save the lost.Life ApplicationRather than looking at work or home or church or the DMV through the lens of, “Do I like it here?” I should be looking through the lens of God’s will, “God, I’m here for a purpose, help me to see what it is. What are you doing here and how do you want me to partner with you?”Ephesians 5:16a,18 Make the most of every opportunity… do not be foolish but understand what the Lord’s will is.
God, in every situation may we not look through the lens of personal preference but kingdom purpose. Give us eyes to see what you’re doing and help us, like Paul, to make the most of every opportunity. Amen.
- Levi Thompson