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1 Samuel 16:7

But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.””

Observation-What does it say?

The Lord commanded Samuel to go to Bethlehem to anoint one of the sons of Jesse as the future king of Israel. When Samuel saw Eliab (one of Jesse’s sons), he thought he was surely going to be king. However, God told him not to look at the outward appearance, because God judges the heart. Seven sons were presented to Samuel, but none were who God had chosen. The one the Lord had chosen was David, who was Jesse’s youngest son. He was tending sheep! Totallyhistory.com said that David was between the age of 10 and 12 years old at the time. 

Understanding-What does it mean?

God has a different criteria when choosing people for service. It’s not usually the best of the best. Sometimes, it is the unlikely and unqualified by human standards, but then He equips, qualifies, and provides opportunities and they become the best of the best!

God chose David because he had a servant’s heart. He was tending sheep while the rest of his brothers were in line to be presented to Samuel! He wasn’t the strongest, biggest, fastest or even old enough at the time! I love how God orchestrated King David’s life in such a way that opportunities chased him down. He didn’t have to chase them down. People also spoke well of him without him having to promote himself. For example, in verse 18 when Saul was looking for someone to play the lyre to help him feel better from the evil spirit tormenting him, “One of the servants answered, “I have seen a son of Jesse of Bethlehem who knows how to play the lyre. He is a brave man and a warrior. He speaks well and is a fine-looking man. And the LORD is with him.”” 1 Samuel 16:18 NIV

God orchestrated all of that in David’s life and it started when he was still a young boy! 

Life Application

Pursue being a man or woman after God’s heart. Pursue a life of servanthood. 

Some people like the prestige of the title of a leader; however, in God’s Kingdom, leadership is synonymous with servanthood. God is not impressed by our education, skills, abilities or titles. When we see Him face to face, He will say “Well done, good and faithful SERVANT”, not well done good and faithful________(fill in a leadership title). Pastor Gary once told me that when God promotes us to a leadership role, it just means we have more people under us to serve! 

Dear Lord, we know that you don’t chose your leaders based on our strengths or skills, but based on our heart after You. I know that I wasn’t chosen based on my confidence of being qualified to carry out your work, but rather an everyday reliance and dependence on You and Your Holy Spirit. I admit that a life of obedience and servanthood is not always easy, but in Your strength, grace and by Your leading, all things are possible! I pray for anyone who is intimidated by serving in church ministry and who feel unqualified and not good enough or strong enough to do work for You and Your kingdom. Please eliminate that lie from the enemy and let them be encouraged through the story of how you chose young David. Also, may we be (or continue to be) obedient to the call, instead of dismiss it. Thank You for the opportunities You provide us to partner with You in ministry. Amen.

-Michelle Gaddi


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