1 Samuel_28

Scripture  1Samuel 28:5-7 5 When Saul saw the Philistine army, he was afraid; terror filled his heart. 6 He inquired of the Lord, but the Lord did not answer him by dreams or Urim or prophets.7 Saul then said to his attendants, “Find me a woman who is a medium, so I may go and inquire of her.”
Observation- What does it say?
The Philistines were positioning themselves to come against Israel and when Saul saw the armies he freaked out. Not just “wide eyed” freaked out but “terror filled his heart”.

Understanding- What does it mean?

Humble yourself and go straight to God!  
Wow! Why wouldn’t Saul just go straight to God. He was going to God through different channels, “Well, let me see if God will talk to me through dreams, ugh, that didn't work. Ok let’s try divination or are there any prophets in the room?” And when that didn't work his fear was so great that he had to go back to the things he had gotten rid of and probably said he would never use again. A medium! To contact the dead no less!  Why wouldn’t Saul just call out to God!! “Oh Lord God of Israel, merciful and abounding in love. Help me! I am afraid and the armies surround your chosen people Israel. Would it be possible to find favor in your eyes? I was once the anointed king of Israel, I have fallen many times so short of ever coming close to being what you have desired. Even now I am not worthy of a drop of love from you and even still I am calling out to you for help! I am sorry for being afraid and not trusting in you. I am sorry for always pushing my agenda, never fully following through with what you ask of me, I am sorry for caring more about my own life than being fully devoted to you!” It was as if his heart was so hard, a heart of stone. He just could never accept David becoming king. Now, being filled with terror he still would not let the hardness of his heart soften.  Unfortunately, I do this :(  I have diabetes type 2. It doesn’t look like much when you see me but it causes a lot of pain, discomfort, and if left untreated I could lose limbs, kidneys, so on and so on...oh, and I could die. For years, whenever I had a challenge in my life I would use food to comfort me, especially sweets. Well, if your a diabetic, sweets is no bueno. Eating sweets is like swallowing little pieces of glass that tear my blood vessels to pieces (that does not sound good).  Anyway, I had finally conquered sweets. I gathered all of them like Saul did to the mediums and spiritists and cast them out. They were not entering my body! I was doing good! But then... I started to have challenges. I started to feel like I needed comfort. So what did I do, I went out looking for the thing I had expelled. I sunk so low in the hardness of my heart and let pride rule over me. Instead of humbling myself before the “Lifegiver” I went to a “mediocre life stealing scum sucking counterfeit” to make me feel better.  His pride kept him separated. Even while he had fasted all day and after he learned of his fate from the medium he still gave in to eat when he should have continued his fast and humbled himself may be the Lord would have relented but he gave in to the people around him and to his own self pity and pride. 

Life Application  Humble yourself and let God work in our lives. Let him lead us to life. Let him be our comfort. Let him be the final say.

2 Chronicles 7:14 “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
As much as I want to be like David I often find myself reacting like Saul, living my life as if God was so far away from me, wallowing in my self pity, and giving into the emotions that arise in my distress.  Pride keeps me from allowing God to restore me. We may weep, we may feel the pain, and have to go through the steps of God’s work to be healed and be made whole or getting back on track with him and be aligned. But weeping lasts for a night and Joy comes in the morning. 
Father, please forgive me for for not being obedient to your word. Please forgive me for trying to go to other sources to receive answers that will make me feel better. Bring down the walls of pride and may my heart always turn toward you first. In Jesus name, Amen. 

-Deborah Lee 



