This book is thought to be written after the exile and return of the Jews out of their captivity in Babylon. It speaks to what God has already done – shown favor and restored fortunes (v1), forgiven their sins (v2) and set aside wrath, turning form His fierce anger (v3). David then asks for restoration.
Once again, this verse stood out because I feel like this is being spoken over our church right now. We appear to be in a time of restoration, a time where we are experiencing God “giv[ing] what is good” and following through on His promises…a time that we will see a harvest. But just like yesterday’s message, it requires trust and obedience on our part. Will we trust that God’s plans for us are good? Not only good, but the absolute best. Will we show that in our actions – walking in obedience towards/in what He’s called us to do. There’s been a palpable presence, an awakening, a turning to Him. And, as we seek His face, He’s turning His face towards us. May we continue to walk in boldness and seek His face (not just the blessings of His hands) and obey.