Matthew 7:20 (NIV)Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.
This book is the continuation and end of Jesus’ sermon on the mount – which gives a lot of practical instruction/guidance on how to live the life of a Christ follower (don’t judge, ask God for your heart’s desires, choose the narrow/unpopular gate for it is what leads to life, beware of false prophets, etc.)
Ultimately, all of the guidance of the sermon boils down to this one thing…”by their fruit you will recognize them.” Our actions, they way we live out our everyday lives SHOW our faith, SHOW our heart. Our words are an outpouring of our hearts and they have the power to build up or tear down; but our actions reveal where our heart is rooted. Action defined is “the fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim.” The aim, in this case, is to show our obedience to God and, in that obedience, grow closer to Him. And, the cool part is, it’s all a chain reaction – our faith in action brings a clear conscious as we walk in/with integrity. (1 Tim: 1:19, 1 Tim. 3:9). In turn, when we walk boldly (yet humbly) in integrity, it brings more action…which leads to more lives being impacted.
Life Application
May our actions show our faith; and may our faith be built through our actions.God, I love your heart for your people and the way you created and orchestrated things. Nothing is ever a solo, one off, coincidental thing…but it all ties together in this big beautiful world you created and for good in our lives. May we move boldly today, responding in faith and action to what you’ve called us to. May I move boldly today…in faith and action. And may I known by my fruit – as being devoted to and loved by you. In Your Name, I pray. Rei To check out the discussion or to join in click here.