

Psalm 95:10-11 (NIV)10 For forty years I was angry with that generation;I said, ‘They are a people whose hearts go astray,and they have not known my ways.’11 So I declared on oath in my anger,‘They shall never enter my rest.’”


Forever a favorite, David remains.In this Chapter, he starts with praise, encouragement of others to praise (sing for joy, shout aloud, extol Him) and acknowledgement of the great and poweful God we serve. [I love his description of God – in His hands are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong tohim. The sea is His, for He made it, and His hands formed the dry land (Vs 4-6). So good! <3Then in verse 8, David speaks to who WE are in relation to God and encourages us to “hear His voice” – speaking of the consequences of a generation who didn’t.


At least the last two weeks of PG’s Sunday messages have talked about how “disobedience brings destruction,” while “obedience brings blessings.” Not only blessings, but as was shared yesterday, blessings, cleansing, forgiveness, redemption. It is in obedience that God can make things new, whole. It is in disobedience that we experience death, or separation from God.And here we see God’s warning of exactly that – disobedience (hearts gone astray) brought anger and they were “never [able/allowed] to enter God’s rest.”As shared yesterday, this is serious stuff – so much so that God set the example, even at having to sacrifice His own son. He expected obedience of Abraham when He asked that he sacrifice his own son. So what does obedience look like? Simply put, it’s putting first things first. God desires, no…REQUIRES that He be first – no other gods before Him. So, what are we putting before God that may result in the withholding of blessings being poured out?

Life Application

For me, my busy seasons show how quickly I get uprooted, distracted and begin to put other things before God. I feel like this is evidence that I’m simply not deeply rooted enough. So…the application is to simply put God first – simple, but not easy…yet 100% necessary – that I may experience His peace, His rest, His blessings. He pours out His love daily and works in all the details for His good…but I miss it all when I turn my eyes from Him to whatever new and shiny thing comes my way…or whatever obstacle that attempts to block my path. When we keep our eyes up, upon the God who lifts us and carries us and makes us new, we rise above.God, fill me up. Forgive my wandering heart and bind it to thee. As things get busy, may I stay centered in and focused on you…not just for my own peace but as an example to those around me – that, with you, there is joy, there is peace regardless of circumstances. Fill me up, overflow, permeate this soul…that I may be used by and for YOU! In Your Name, I pray. Rei To check out the discussion or to join in click here.


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