Psalm 100:5 (NIV)5 For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.
Short and simple. Five verses…but, those 5 verses lived out, create a lifestyle of worship, joy, gratitude, confidence (in who we are – His).
The last verse struck me something extra special this morning.Just a reminder that we serve a powerful and unchanging God. The same God we read about that split the sea, that released His people through bringing 10 plagues on a nation, that created the Earth, that allowed Abraham and Sarah to conceive welllllll into their years, that caused actual food to rain down from heaven (manna), that spit Jonah out of a whale and on to dry land, that kept Daniel safe in a den full of hungry lions, that caused a virgin to conceive, that turned water into wine, that turned a few fish and loaves of bread into enough to feed thousands (more than once!), that walked on water in human form…and so much more! That same God loves us, guides us, desires us, speaks to us, empowers us and wants what is best for us.The human form changes as time goes on, we often watch our parents become frail, forgetful and while still incredibly lovable, just not as we remember…but our Father God never changes, never weakens, never forgets, never fails.
Life Application
The knowing that God is the same yesterday, today and forever creates trust; trust that God does not change His mind, He is not fickle or moody, His love never changes, never fades, never goes away. So, knowing that, we can trust Him fully with our hearts, with the decisions He guides us towards…knowing that He’s always at work in the details, wants His ultimate best for us and that we can fully surrender to Him and His will for our lives. So…let’s live that out – in the big and the little decisions and actions we take daily.
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