Luke 1:11-17
God has a plan and purpose for mankind and history is His story unfolding. His plans and purposes will be accomplished and they are accomplished in partnership with people.
Why did God choose Zechariah and Elizabeth? There are some clues in the account . Both of them were upright people who served God faithfully and who were obedient to His commands. They lived a life of faith and worship to God. But I think there is another reason why God chose this couple, we see it in the statement the angel made right after he calmed down a very frightened Z. He says, “God has heard your prayer!” I wonder if God in chooses those who are praying. Peter quoting the psalmist says…
- 1 Peter 3:12 (NKJV) For the eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, And His ears are open to their prayers…
What if praying puts us smack in the middle of God’s radar? God says, “I’m looking for someone who can be a part of my plan, oh there you are, I hear you praying!” God is looking for pray-ers to work through. My encouragement is to start praying for the things that God would put on my heart and then be ready for God to use me to help accomplish His great and glorious plan.