2 Corinthians 9: 6-7

2 Corinthians 9:6-7
6 Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. 7 Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
Paul continues to write to the church of Corinth regarding the giving of finances, but in this chapter he emphasizes the heart behind giving. He highlights the the importance of what amount each person should give and how the attitude dictates the blessing.
Heart dictates attitude, and attitude denotes blessing.
I know that Paul is directly relating this to the giving of finances, but this speaks volumes when also looking at our everyday actions. Personally, I have been struggling for the need of approval of others. I recognize that it is something I crave too much and too often, to the point that I overthink every action I make. This verse is a gentle reminder that I reap what I sow. If I long for the approval of others, I continuously put myself in a place of sowing anxiousness. In return my attitude reaps people-pleasing and not living for God. And as harsh as it sounds, why would the Almighty want to then bless me with an abundant harvest if I am sowing the wrong seed? In essence, I have not only wasted my time, but God’s time.
If I am to expect and overflow of blessing I’m all in! Not just that, I am all about sowing the right seed. Allow me to quote a well-known pastor I consistently listen to: “The difference between a tithe and an offering is the order.” In these verses, the difference between receiving a blessing and missing out is your heart. I don’t want to give all of myself to other people, just for the sake of being liked to only then give God the leftovers. In the same way I want to see the harvest come to fruition because I planted the right seeds. I want to give with my whole heart, and it be evident in the outcome. God longs to bless us, He’s just waiting for us to plant the right seeds and plant them abundantly.
Life Application
Trust that you’ve been equipped with the right seeds and get planting!
The harvest will only come if the seeds have been planted. If you are not at the place that you feel you have the right seeds then check your heart. Ask God to reveal to you His desires for your life. When He responds (because He will) make your attitude is cheerful, as it denotes what kind of blessing you will receive. Lastly, God loves a cheerful giver… but He’ll take it from grump as well.
-Allison Khan

2 Kings_5


2 Corinthians 8