
Scripture:  Galatians 3:24-25  Therefore the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we may be justified by faith.  But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor. 

Observation-What does it say?  Galatia, part of what is modern day Turkey, was a large province, which consisted of many cities that Paul had visited on his missionary journeys, including Antioch, Iconium and Lystra.  After his missionary trips here, other Jewish-Christian teachers arrived in the area and instructed the new converts that, in addition to their faith in Jesus, they had to follow certain Jewish traditions, such as circumcision and observance of certain Jewish Holidays.  Here in chapter three, Paul points out that God made a covenant with Abraham before there was the law.  Therefore, it was always faith, not works, that has connected us to God and set us free.

Understanding-What does it mean?  A few years ago, when it was still affordable, and before I had three kids, I was an Annual Passport holder at the happiest place on earth.  I’m not one of the really crazy Disneyland fanatics, I like to be a little more subtle about my obsession.  Instead of having all of the shirts, lanyards and pins, I buy wall art and glassware, things that can be hidden but still display my appreciation for the magical kingdom.  

One of the things I love about going to Disneyland is the drive there.  I love the anticipation of the journey and the build-up of excitement during the trip.  As a kid, my family would leave before sunrise, so we could be the first ones in the gate.  Well, actually it was so my parents could skip the traffic, but I didn’t know that until I had kids of my own.  On the trip, as you get closer and closer to Mickey’s house, there are more and more signs that point you to the final destination.  Big signs on the freeway, signs on the side streets.  Even the street names let you know how close you are with names like Disneyland Drive and Magic Way.

But as exciting as it is to see these signs and to drive on Magic Way, these things aren’t the point of the trip.  It would be silly to go all the way and then hangout in the parking lot all day.  The law we are given, things like the ten commandments, are not the endgame, they are the signs.  Our goal is to make it into God’s Kingdom, not just the parking lot.  

Life Application:  Jesus, help me to keep pressing into you everyday.  Help me grow in my faith everyday, and not to be satisfied with simply being a good person.  I want to move mountains and I can only do that with faith in you.  I know that through following you, I am able to do more than I ever knew. 

-Tyler Galloway




Psalm _143