
S- "Jesus answered, "The work of God is this:  "to believe in the one he has sent."O- The book of John offers the reader a progressive revelation of Jesus.  Each of the four Gospels relate the story of Jesus from a distinct point of view, according to the purpose of each writer.  Here in chapter 6 Jesus orchestrates the feeding of five thousand, and He is seen walking on the water.  His sphere of power now extends over quantity (just ask the five thousand men who found themselves  at a catered event) and natural laws; have you walked on water lately?U- In the Spring of 2005, my wife and I attended a five month YWAM school of missions.  The first 3 months were dedicated to "knowing Jesus and building an attitude of community."  The Last 2 months were, as the saying goes, where the rubber meets the the road.  We were headed to Mongolia.  Our team was assembeled from four nations, some singles, some married, some married with children and a paralytic.  There was so much to do to get reading "to go and do."  On the surface we seemed to o be identilfied by what we were going abroad to do.  That all shifted one  day as I was sitting in a cafeteria of the YWAM Mercy Ships training facility.  The place was huge but,  for the moment is was just our little band of missionaries.  And, there it was on the wall, a picture frame with the words of John 6:29.  Scores of medical professionals would soon  fill the campus in waves then be commissioned to ports all over the world.  Each one paying their own way, taking time off from their occupations.  But the real work, the indispensable "work of God" was then and is today,  believing in the one who was sent.  By believing we are  able to keep the main thing.......... the main. 
L- We praise  you Lord for your unwavering commitment to those who belong to you .  You said, he who believes has everlasting Life.  Yet, there are some who do not believe (verse 47, 64).  Before we go out and  change the world, nation, country, state, city, neighborhood  draw us first into a vibrant and purposeful relationship with the One you have sent Lord.  And, let us not shy away from our responsibility as your sent ones.  In the Name of Jesus.
Warren Vivian


