
Hebrews 3: 13-14
13 But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. 14 We have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold to our original conviction firmly to the very end.


The chapter begins by exalting God and declaring above every living thing, as He is the creator of every living thing. However, the person writing Hebrews recognizes that sin still taints people’s perspective regardless of how great God is. For this reason the author pushes the readers to lift each other up and encourage one another in their faith, so that they might not encounter a forty-year roadblock like the Israelites.


There is power in the name of Jesus, but there is even more power when many come together to call upon His name.

What I like about these verses is how it perfectly exemplifies strength in numbers; because let’s be real no one gets through life alone no matter how strong they may think they are. However, what goes along with this strength in numbers is the very real aspect of the deceptiveness of sin. As hard as it is to openly admit it becomes so easy to give into its lies. I recently realized that when their is a strong foundation of faith in one place or within a certain group of people, the enemy seeks to destroy that firm foundation even more than a weak one. If a mighty house falls then weaker ones are bound to crumble as well. So if your life in the moment seems hard, and it seems like temptation is constantly coming your way, then congratulations you’ve threatened the enemy. And guess what? You probably aren’t the only one. Which makes the above passage all the more important.

God is faithful to those who seek Him in the days gone by. Even though God hears our little voices in the night, I’m sure He loves to hear a loud roar of worship from the many who love Him. So encourage others in their struggle, let them know that the Father is worth it because when we “hold to our original conviction to the very end,” God has an even better surprise when you finally get to meet Him. Don’t let the sun go down without encouraging someone. They may need it more than you’ll ever know. 

Life Application

Make an effort in encouragement.

I know for a fact that when I receive encouragement from someone I admire I feel like I can do anything, so I shouldn’t hold back either. The same idea extends to all of us. You may never know who looks up to you until you step and encourage the person that God is placing on your heart. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy either. I could a simple “hey, I’m praying for you,” or texting them to see how they’re doing, or (if you’re feeling really generous) taking them out for lunch or coffee. When you make an effort in encouraging people, you’ll find that it’s a gesture that doesn’t return void, I promise.

-Allison Khan


Psalm _27

