

Matthew 7: 7-8

7 Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened up to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.


As Jesus continues His sermon on the Mount, He stresses the importance of asking God to fill not only our every desire but also our needs. He even goes as far as to say that God is generous in giving and He gives to all. However, He places the initiative on us as God’s people and not on God chasing us down.


Just ask!

When I was younger and went to my auntie’s house for Christmas Eve there was always a plethora of desserts. They would magically appear as the night went on, and more and more would just miraculously show up. There was/are these one cookies that are there every year, and for as basic as they are they are the hottest commodity (the little Pilsbury cookies in case you were wondering). My cousin and his brothers would always run up to the cookies take a swift look around and quickly shove a cookie in their mouth, then a few in their pocket, and then run away. It became so much of a bit that they still do it, and they are in their teenage years now. I used to wonder to myself: “Why don’t they just ask their mom for some cookies? I’m sure she’d give it to them because it’s Christmas.” 

Fast forward bit to the fast of this year. As I sat and watched all the amazing things that God did in our church I though to myself, “Why can’t I have the courage to pray for people the way that this person does?” Or… “Why can’t I be as well-spoken in front of people as that person when speaking the Good News?” And even… “Why can’t a revival or renewal like the one in Acts happen today?” As I sat there thinking these questions I got a clear picture of my cousins stealing cookies. What we as believers have in common with my cousins, is the ability to ask. We become so afraid of the answer or outcome that we neglect to ask God in the first place.

However, Jesus offers an important proposition in this chapter: God doesn’t answer the door if He doesn’t hear any knocking. He won’t answer your prayer unless you formally ask Him. What is it that you want? Even though God already knows He wants to see the effort made by you as well. He wants to check the desires your heart, but He can only do that if you ask Him to. Our city is starved for answers right now and many are providing answers to questions only God can answer. I implore you to look deep inside yourselves and ask God first before mindlessly shoving cookies in your mouth. Don’t go taking the world’s answers before asking God first.

Isaiah 22:22 “…When he opens doors, no one will be able to close them; when he closes doors, no one will be able to open them.”

Life Application

God, help us to be people that trust you enough to ask you questions and to ask you for the desires of our heart. May we be a people bold enough to ask you for things like revival, healing, and and even courage. God I thank You that You are a gentleman, and You require a formal invitation before moving in power and grace. May more people ask for this power and grace and may You bring revival and healing in ways that only You can do. I pray for boldness in the hearts of people right now.

In Your name I pray,


-Allison Khan


Psalm _86


Job 10