Psalm 101


Psalm 101 NIV

I will sing of your love and justice;

    to you, Lord, I will sing praise.

2 I will be careful to lead a blameless life—

    when will you come to me? 

Psalm 101 MSG

My theme song is God’s love and justice,

    and I’m singing it right to you, God.

I’m finding my way down the road of right living,

    but how long before you show up?


A psalm of David. 


I live my life as worship to you.

With my mouth I will worship you. 

I discipline myself daily to live a life that follows after you, in your ways. 

When will you come to me? When will you fill me with your spirit? When will I have an encounter that will ruin me for anything this world has to offer? When will I experience you in a way that gives me what I need to keep persevering? 

Do you ever feel this way? You are doing all that you can do live right. You know who God is, “merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in love.” You have seen it evident in your life. 

And so, you speak of his love. You worship Him for who he is and what he has done. And yet, you need him to come. 

You need Him to come in a way that you have never experienced before. 

You need Him to come in a way that will inject you with His power, love, and joy! 

You need Him to come in a way that will bring dead things to life, restore vision, and keep you moving forward! 

I think we all feel this way at different times. I imagine that's how Simeon felt waiting in the temple waiting to see the Messiah (Luke 2:25-35). He had been a righteous and devoted man. He had been doing what was right, at home I’m sure and also in the temple worshiping. After all, he had an encounter with Holy Spirit who revealed to him that he would see the Christ.  Even though he had that encounter, he wondered…when will you come?

Or what about the 120 in the upper room?( Acts 2 ) Many of them had already witnessed Christ and experienced him in a profound intimate way, that clearly changed their life. But they gathered and worshiped and prayed and they wondered… when will you come? 


Be expectant. He is coming! 

I can't help but imagine how the righteous felt the months and years before the first Christmas. All of the political, religious, and moral upheavals that were surrounding Israel and the gentiles. The prophecy from Genesis that spoke of the Messiah that was to come and save the world had been passed down and repeated for centuries. 

The righteous generations had waited. And now… they had encounters with God. They knew who He was, they spoke and worshiped about his love and justice. Their homes were filled with integrity and discipline and they wondered… when will you come?

Emmanuel, came to us in the time we needed him! He knows exactly when we need Him. He came in a way that was real, and intimate, and full of power, love, and grace and mercy! 

God, came to earth, with us! He spent 33 years in the flesh with them to give them what they needed for then and all eternity! 

Keep asking God for a deeper encounter with Him. He will come to us on time. 

I will sing of your love and justice;

    to you, Lord, I will sing praise.

I will be careful to lead a blameless life—

    when will you come to me? 

“oh come, oh come, Emmanuel” by King and Country. 

Deborah Lee 

He who testifies to these things says, "Yes, I am coming soon." Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.  Rev. 22:20



