Matthew 27:37
What will be written on your wooden sign?
I don’t know why, but as I read the chapter this verse really struck me. It struck me for several reasons. One, Jesus had no clear charge against Him except “King of the Jews,” which served more as a term of mockery in this case. Two, reading this verse today revealed the sheer gravity of what Jesus did for us. On Sunday Pastor Gary talked about how Jesus became less for us. He sought us out by stooping to our level, He saw us fit for redemption. So, in His perfect love He was willing to die on the cross for our sins. It’s nice to hear, but when you stop and think about it, you may find that this perfect love is unmatched.
What hit me the hardest was the sign. It said: “THIS IS JESUS, THE KING OF THE JEWS,” when in reality it should have said THIS IS JESUS, HEIR TO THE THRONE/PRINCE OF THE WORLD.” I get that they were trying to keep the sign short and sweet, but they got it all wrong. If they thought that one tiny piece of the world was all Jesus was fit for then they really underestimated the maker of the universe. They really underestimated Jesus’ Father. Because “King of the Jews” really is not a fitting title whatsoever.
Life Application
Here I am, a child of God.
Today the story ended on a sad point, but don’t worry it’s not the end. I know that during Christmas we focus on Jesus’ life, but without His death and sacrifice there would be nothing to celebrate at all. So here’s to our forever “king of the Jews.” Here’s to our own little crucifixion sign. Here’s to being a loved work in progress. Here we are God, use us for Your Glory.
Heavenly Father,
Use us, mold us, and help us to live like You. May we be challenged to love everyone, including those who may not love us. Thank You for deeming us worth it, thank You for dying to save us. May we be recognizable as Your children