28 Days 2020: Day 5


Read Joshua 6
Step 1: Take time to remember and rehearse God's grace in our lives.
Step 2: Remove our idols and distractions.
Third, we need to repent of sinful attitudes and actions.  
When we turn from our idols to seek the Lord, we must confess the sins that have become second-nature to us.  We must be mindful of the sins that we most easily excuse – the selfish attitudes, evil thoughts, and harsh words.  We need to agree with God that our laziness and spite and lust and greed and apathy are sins against His holiness.  We need to repent of our flippant attitude toward our own sin, and recognize the damage that our sin causes to our relationship with God and with others.  
As you consecrate yourself before the Lord, ask Him to show you the sinful attitudes and actions that are offensive to Him, especially those that you cannot see.  And turn from those sins back to the Lord.  
Come up with a plan of action for how you will respond to the things that God reveals to you and consider sharing with someone else who can help you to live it out victoriously.

28 Days 2020: Day 6


28 Days 2020: Day 4