28 Days 2020: Day 8


As we pursue the harvest in 2020 we started by consecrating ourselves.  Very often when the people of God got ready to walk into His promises and fulfillment, He would ask them to consecrate themselves, to set themselves apart and to re-focus and re-prioritize.  
There is another step I would like us to explore as we get ready to be harvesters - that is understanding that God has called and authorized us to continue His mission.
Read Luke 3:21-4:44

Jesus has authority

Luke 4:14-20Something happened before Jesus began His ministry, what was it?  See Luke 3:21-22, Luke 4:1 and 4:14.

Are those two things true of you as well?  
We will look at the second one more closely this week but click here if you want to take that first step.

Jesus has a mission

SO...what does Jesus say his mission is that we are being authorized to partner with Him?  See Luke 4:18-19
Take a moment and sign up for our 70 Hour Prayer Vigil happening January 30 -Feb 1.  

28 Days 2020: Day 9


28 Days 2020: Day 6