28 Days 2020: Day 13



One of the ways that the Holy Spirit helps us and authorizes us is by sharing His gifts with us.  Those gifts, when used properly, gives credence to our calling.  It demonstrates the authority we have been delegated.  The authority still belongs to God but when we allow the gifts of the Holy Spirit to be operational in us then we live in the delegated authority we have been given and we find that we can be successful in fulfilling the mission God has called us to.  Let’s take a look at the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

  • Read 1 Corinthians 12:1-11

Can you list the 9 gifts that Paul says are the gifts of the Holy Spirit?

It is my belief that those gifts are bestowed by the Holy Spirit on believers when needed.  All of us can operate in those gifts as we continue to obey Jesus and be about His work.  When we operate in these gifts there is much authority that is associated with it. 

Do you see these gifts at work in your life?

Do you believe that the Holy Spirit can and will bestow those gifts on you?

Let’s walk in God’s authority to fulfill the mission He has called us to.


Next week we will be looking more closely at this mission and calling.


28 Days 2020: Day 15


28 Days 2020: Day 12