

Romans 6:6-7 For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with,[a] that we should no longer be slaves to sin— because anyone who has died has been set free from sin.


From this, that our old [self] was crucified with Him: The death of the old [self] is an established fact. It happened spiritually when we were identified with Jesus’ death at our salvation.

  1. The old [self]is the self that is patterned after Adam, the part of us deeply ingrained in rebellion against God and His commands. The system of law is unable to deal with the old [self], because it can only tell the old [self] what the righteous standard of God is. The law tries to reform the old [self], to get him to “turn over a new leaf.” But the system of grace understands that the old [self] can never be reformed. He must be put to death, and for the believer the old [self] dies with Jesus on the cross.
  2. The crucifixion of the old [self]is something that God did in us. None of us nailed the old [self] to the cross. Jesus did it, and we are told to account it as being done. “In us there was nothing even to sicken and to weaken our old man, much less to murder him by crucifixion; God had to do this.” (Lenski)
  3. In place of the old [self], God gives the believer a new man– a self that is instinctively obedient and pleasing to God; this aspect of our person is that which was raised with Christ in His resurrection. The New Testament describes the new man for us.
    1. The new man, which was created according to God, in righteousness and true holiness(Ephesians 4:24).
    2. The new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him(Colossians 3:10).


However you want to say it or break it down, the bottom line is [the good news] that we are free in Christ, because of Christ’s death on the cross. Able to walk in freedom because of Jesus’s death on the cross.  Surrounded by Him, delivered by Him, liberated…children of God. This is the good news!...and there’s a world needing it, searching for, hungry for it.  So, let’s go share it! 

Life Application

Cool Stuff Does Require Bribing Some Friends. JMay we be purposeful today as we go about – whether within our homes, in our workplaces, schools, when we go to the grocery store…whatever we do, may it be for God.  With a heart bent towards His will, with heart/ears open to hear His voice and eyes open to opportunities to share God’s love with others. ReiTo check out the discussion or to join in click here.



