
Scripture:  Romans 10:8-10  But what does it say? “The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart,”that is, the message concerning faith that we proclaim:  If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.


Observation-What does it say?  Throughout chapters nine and ten, Paul expresses his anguish of the nation of Israel.  Though he once had great zeal for the traditions of his people, Paul now has knowledge of Jesus as the Messiah.  Having come to this knowledge, Paul longs for all of Israel to come to Jesus in the same way he did. He points to Christ, proclaiming that He is the end of the law, freeing all Jews from the burden of the law.  He then pleads to their senses, exhorting them to accept Jesus as the Messiah. While doing this, he points to the simplicity of action needed: confess and believe.


Understanding-What does it mean?  I remember the call, which came in the middle of a Friday, on a weekend I was scheduled to work through Sunday.  My grandma had moved from North Carolina to live with my mom about six months prior. They had both become tired from the almost two year process of my grandma’s cancer treatments and decided it was easier for both of them to be here in California.  This decision forced my grandma to leave her childhood home. The tone in my mom’s voice during the call was calm but hurting, “I think we only have a little bit left.”  


I left work almost instantly, to spend the next day listening to my grandma’s last breaths.  It was painful and beautiful all at once. Having to watch someone leave this life is horrible, because it feels so permanent.  It made it easier knowing that my grandma had spent a life loving Jesus, and would get to spend eternity with Him.


In Paul’s writing, there is almost the sense that he sees his friends and countrymen dying without the same confidence of their salvation.  Throughout his letters, he carries a sense of urgency, as he pours out his life so others will have the same knowledge of Jesus as savior that he did (Philippians 2:17).  Though, Paul still had the peace to know that when he went on to be with Jesus, he had done all he could (2 Timothy 4:7-8).


Life Application:  Jesus, give in me the same heart as Paul, and the same urgency of preaching to those who need to hear the good news of Your salvation.  Help me to have graceful speech. Allow me to produce fruit in season and out of season. In my shortcoming, allow your love to shine through.

-Tyler Galloway




Psalm 124